Banner including Lib Dem activists in East Herts and Broxbourne

East Hertfordshire Liberal Democrats

Area At Risk From Nightmare Planning Change

Our community and our country has been through the mill in the last few months , thanks to COVID-19 and the economic fallout it has caused. We have all been affected and our hearts go out to those who have suffered and lost loved ones in this awful pandemic.

9 Nov 2020

Hertfordshire Lib Dem News

More Money for Special Needs but 3 Months Too Late

Liberal Democrats have welcomed an announcement that Herts County Council has finally adopted their proposal for more money being spent on improving the council's poor provision for Children with special educational needs.

25 May 2023

UK Lib Dem news

Alexei Navalny on a march in memory of politician Boris Nemtsov, who was killed in Russia. Image: Michał Siergiejevicz
International Affairs

The Death of Alexei Navalny

Navalny cast a light on the corruption of Putin and his cronies. His tragic death, at the hands of Putin, cannot and will not stifle the democratic ideals that he fought for. Together, let us be a voice that speaks for those who have been silenced.

17 Mar 2024

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