Our reaction to BLM protestors being racially abused in Hoddesdon

We are outraged and saddened by the racist abuse targeted at Black Lives Matter protesters in Hoddesdon in recent days, and shared on social media. These racist views do not represent the wider Broxbourne community, which we know to be stronger for its diversity. Racism should have no place in our society.
The murder of George Floyd is a disgraceful injustice and a tragedy. Now rightly we are reflecting on the scale of racism within our own society as well. With inequality in housing, health, opportunities and incomes, there are numerous hardships which disproportionately affect black communities, and which the UK Government should be working at a pace to address. Not least, in the last week, evidence has shown how BAME communities have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19. The health and economic inequalities that have led to this need to urgently be addressed to protect lives going forward.
At this time it's particularly important to be responsible if protesting and follow social-distancing. We are heartened to see that Black Lives Matter protesters in Hoddesdon were following this guidance, and hope any further protests can continue peacefully and safely.
Broxbourne is not a place for hatred. We express our heartfelt solidarity with the Black Lives Matters protestors who had to experience this racism first hand. We should do everything we can to educate ourselves, our children and our communities, and to consign such views as a part of history.
Broxbourne Liberal Democrats